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Why would you want to spend extra money on color-changing smart lights instead of regular, cheap LED bulbs? So you can use them to throw a killer party, that’s why. Here’s how to use your Philips Hue lights to turn your boring living room into club-style lighting.

您为什么要花更多的钱在变色智能灯上,而不是普通的廉价LED灯泡上? 因此,您可以使用它们来举行杀手party。 这是使用Philips Hue灯将无聊的客厅变成俱乐部风格的照明的方法。

For this project, we’ll assume you have at least one (though more are better). You’ll also need the third-party Hue Disco app for or . Hue Disco cycles the colors on your lights to a rhythm, giving your room an ambiance that matches the tone of whatever party you’re throwing.

对于此项目,我们假设您至少有一个具有 (尽管更好)。 您还需要适用于或的第三方Hue Disco应用程序。 色相迪斯科(Hue Disco)将灯光上的颜色循环到一个节奏,为您的房间营造出与您要抛出的派对色彩相匹配的氛围。

Hue Disco costs $3.99, but it’s powerful enough to be worth a few bucks—and if you’re on Android, you can always cover the cost by . The app can be a little intimidating at first, but if you want to craft a distinct lighting scheme for your home, it has all the tools you need.

Hue Disco的价格为3.99美元,但功能强大,足以赚到几美元-如果您使用的是Android,则可以随时通过来支付费用。 该应用程序起初可能有点吓人,但如果您想为自己的房屋设计独特的照明方案,则它具有所需的所有工具。

首先,选择你的灯 (First, Choose Your Lights)

When you first open Hue Disco, you’ll see a bunch of options and sliders. It can all be a little overwhelming, so we’ll deal with the most important thing first: picking which bulbs you’ll use for your party. If you’re like me, you may have lights set up in rooms where you won’t have guests, like your office or bedroom. You can choose just the bulbs you want to invite to the party from the Bulbs tab at the top of the screen.

首次打开Hue Disco时,您会看到很多选项和滑块。 这可能有点让人不知所措,因此我们将首先处理最重要的事情:选择将用于聚会的灯泡。 如果您像我一样,可能在没有客人的房间(例如办公室或卧室)中设置了灯光。 您可以从屏幕顶部的“灯泡”标签中选择要邀请参加聚会的灯泡。

On this page, enable the toggles next to each light you want to include in your party setup. For convenience, if you have a lot of lights, you can drag the ones you care about to the top.

在此页面上,启用要包括在聚会设置中的每个灯旁边的切换开关。 为了方便起见,如果您有很多灯光,可以将您关心的灯光拖到顶部。

Note that you can use any model of Hue lights for your party setup. However, regular white lights and  will only be able to blink. If you want to go for a strobe effect, you can use these bulbs (and it might be pretty fun), but full color bulbs will give you the most flexibility.

请注意,您可以在派对设置中使用任何型号的Hue灯。 但是,常规的白光和将只能闪烁。 如果您想获得频闪效果,可以使用这些灯泡(这可能很有趣),但是全彩灯泡将为您提供最大的灵活性。

Once you’ve chosen your light bulbs, you can head back to either Disco or Moods mode.


使用迪斯科模式使灯光随音乐而变化 (Use Disco Mode to Make Your Lights Groove to the Music)

Disco Mode lets you pick a color scheme that your lights will cycle through. You can cycle colors based on a preset BPM to match your music, or let your phone listen to the ambient sound and try to match it. You’ll also find strobe mode on this page. In the left screenshot below, you’ll see the regular Disco Mode screen. If you tap the center button at the bottom with the lightning symbol, you’ll enter strobe mode and see the screenshot on the right.

迪斯科模式可让您选择灯光循环通过的配色方案。 您可以根据预设的BPM循环颜色以匹配您的音乐,或者让您的手机聆听环境声音并尝试进行匹配。 您还将在此页面上找到频闪模式。 在下面的左侧屏幕截图中,您将看到常规的“迪斯科模式”屏幕。 如果您点击底部带有闪电符号的中心按钮,您将进入频闪模式并在右侧看到屏幕截图。

It’s a little overwhelming, so we’ll go over each feature and how how to use it. Most importantly, there are three buttons along the bottom. These are the three types of Disco Mode you can use:

这有点让人不知所措,因此我们将介绍每个功能以及如何使用它。 最重要的是,底部有三个按钮。 您可以使用以下三种类型的迪斯科模式:

  • Beats Per Minute (BPM): This mode will cycle your colors in Disco Mode based on a set rhythm. To enter this mode, tap the BPM button several times. The faster you tap the button, the higher the BPM and the faster the lights will change colors. This is an easy way to set the color cycle to match your music. The only downside is that if you switch up the music to something slower or faster, you’ll need to readjust Hue Disco every time.

    每分钟节拍数(BPM):此模式将根据设置的节奏在迪斯科模式下循环显示颜色。 要进入此模式,请多次点击BPM按钮。 按下按钮的速度越快,BPM越高,灯光改变颜色的速度就越快。 这是设置颜色循环以匹配您的音乐的简便方法。 唯一的缺点是,如果您将音乐切换为较慢或较快的速度,则每次都需要重新调整Hue Disco。

  • Strobe: This button, labeled with a lightning symbol, will enter a fast-paced strobe cycle. By default, strobe mode will flash white, but you can change the colors and even a faux black light (which is really just purple, but hey it looks cool.)

    频闪:此按钮带有闪电符号,将进入快速的频闪周期。 默认情况下,频闪模式将闪烁白色,但您可以更改颜色,甚至可以更改人造黑光(它实际上只是紫色,但是看起来很酷。)

  • Basic Disco Mode: On the right, you’ll see a blue button with a play symbol on it. This will start cycling your colors in Disco Mode using your microphone to determine when to change colors. When the volume in the room reaches a certain decibel level, your lights will change colors. This lets your lights automatically adjust to the music, but it might take some tweaking to make it look right.

    基本Disco模式:在右侧,您会看到一个带有播放符号的蓝色按钮。 这将开始使用您的麦克风在迪斯科模式下循环显示颜色,以确定何时更改颜色。 当房间中的音量达到一定分贝水平时,您的灯光将改变颜色。 这可以让您的灯光自动适应音乐,但是可能需要进行一些调整才能使其看起来正确。

If you don’t care too much about crafting a particular look for your lights, you can tap one of these buttons to start cycling your lights and it will look pretty good. However, you can do a whole lot more and make your party look awesome by tweaking a few settings. Here are the settings on the disco mode screen (the left screenshot above) and what they do.

如果您不太在乎为灯光制作特殊外观,则可以点击这些按钮之一来开始循环使用灯光,这样看起来会很好。 但是,您可以做更多的事情,并通过调整一些设置来使您的聚会看起来很棒 。 这是迪斯科模式屏幕上的设置(上面的左侧屏幕截图)及其作用。

  • Microphone Sensitivity. This slider adjusts how sensitive the microphone is. In Basic Disco Mode, this will determine whether or not your lights change. If the volume is above the level you set, the lights will cycle through colors. If it’s below, there won’t be any change at all. Note, this doesn’t change how often the lights change, just whether or not they change.

    麦克风灵敏度。 此滑块可调节麦克风的灵敏度。 在基本迪斯科模式下,这将确定您的灯光是否改变。 如果音量高于您设置的水平,指示灯将在颜色之间循环。 如果在下面,则根本不会有任何变化。 请注意,这不会改变灯的改变频率 ,而不会改变它们是否改变。

  • Change Amount: This slider determines how much the lights change. While Basic Disco Mode is active, you’ll notice that this slider reacts to your ambient audio just like the microphone sensitivity. By adjusting this and the microphone sensitivity sliders, you can tweak the rhythm that your lights change to match your music. Ideally, if you can strike the right balance, you’ll be able to set this and forget it during your party.

    更改量:此滑块确定灯光的更改量。 在“基本迪斯科模式”处于活动状态时,您会注意到此滑块会像麦克风灵敏度一样对周围的音频做出React。 通过调节和麦克风灵敏度滑块,可以调整灯光变化的节奏以匹配音乐。 理想情况下,如果您能达到适当的平衡,则可以进行设置并在聚会中忘记它。

  • Disco Theme: Here, you’ll see a gradient slider that shows which colors your lights will cycle through. By default, this slider shows the full rainbow of colors. You can drag each end to just the portion of the gradient that you want to limit your lights to. If your party has a certain color scheme going, this lets you coordinate your lights with your decorations. Below the gradient handles, you’ll see a drop down menu. By default, it’s labeled Color Gradient. Tap it and you can choose from other color themes like 80’s Disco or Reggae, or create your own themes.

    迪斯科主题:在这里,您将看到一个渐变滑块,该滑块显示灯光将循环通过的颜色。 默认情况下,此滑块显示完整的彩虹色。 您可以将每个端点拖到只想将灯光限制到的渐变部分。 如果您的聚会有某种配色方案,则可以使您的灯光与装饰协调。 在渐变手柄下方,您会看到一个下拉菜单。 默认情况下,它标记为“颜色渐变”。 点击它,您可以从其他颜色主题中进行选择,例如80年代的Disco或Reggae,或创建自己的主题。

  • Brightness: This adjusts how bright your lights will light up. You can drag both ends of this slider to set a brightness range, if you’d like some variety in your lights.

    亮度:调整灯光的亮度。 如果您想要各种灯光,则可以拖动此滑块的两端以设置亮度范围。

  • Colorful: This slider will adjust the saturation of the colors you see. If you drag it to the left, you’ll get white lights with just a hint of color. If you drag it all the way to the right, your lights will display deep reds, blues, greens, and whatever other colors you’ve included in the Disco Theme section.

    彩色:此滑块将调整您看到的颜色的饱和度。 如果将其拖动到左侧,您将获得带有淡淡颜色的白光。 如果将其一直拖动到右侧,您的灯光将显示深红色,蓝色,绿色以及您在“迪斯科主题”部分中包含的其他任何颜色。

You’ll also see two options below the Colorful slider. One is an unlabeled drop-down that lets you choose between Smooth, Snap, and Mix. Smooth will gradually fade from one color to the next. Snap changes colors instantly. Mix will randomly choose one of these two transitions each time the lights change color. The second option is an Auto-Disco toggle. If you enable this toggle, the app will automatically pick the options on this screen, changing the settings periodically.

您还将在“彩色”滑块下方看到两个选项。 一个是未标记的下拉菜单,您可以在其中选择“平滑”,“捕捉”和“混合”。 平滑将从一种颜色逐渐淡入另一种颜色。 捕捉会立即更改颜色。 每当灯光改变颜色时,Mix将随机选择这两个过渡之一。 第二个选项是Auto-Disco切换。 如果启用此切换,则应用程序将自动选择此屏幕上的选项,并定期更改设置。

If you enter Strobe mode, your lights will start blinking. You’ll also be presented with a different set of options.

如果进入频闪模式,您的灯光将开始闪烁。 您还将看到一组不同的选项。

  • Random Order: By default, Strobe mode will flash your lights in the same order. Enabling this toggle will randomize the order that your lights blink in.

    随机顺序:默认情况下,“频闪”模式将以相同顺序闪烁灯光。 启用此切换将随机化灯光闪烁的顺序。

  • Black Light: This will add black light flashes to your strobe pattern, though that’s a bit of a misnomer. Technically, hue lights are incapable of emitting the  that regular black lights can. However, it will flash in a vibrant purple that still looks pretty rad. This toggle will only add those purple flashes to your existing pattern. So, for example, if you’re using the white preset (see below), your lights will flash white and occasionally purple. If you want your lights to flash exclusively purple, use the Black Light preset at the bottom of the screen.

    黑光这将为您的闪光灯图案增加黑光闪烁,尽管这有点用词不当。 从技术上讲,色相灯无法发出常规黑光可以发出的 。 但是,它会闪烁出充满活力的紫色,看起来仍然很漂亮。 此切换只会将那些紫色闪烁添加到您现有的图案中。 因此,例如,如果您使用的是白色预设(请参阅下文),则指示灯将闪烁白色,偶尔会闪烁紫色。 如果要让灯光仅闪烁紫色,请使用屏幕底部的“黑光”预设。

  • Speed: This will affect how rapidly the lights flash. Even the slowest setting is still pretty quick, but if the default strobe effect is too harsh, you can tone it down.

    速度:这将影响灯闪烁的速度。 即使最慢的设置也仍然很快,但是如果默认的频闪效果太苛刻,则可以将其调低。

  • Color Presets: Below these settings, you’ll see six preset buttons. White, Rainbow, New Color, Custom Color, Theme, and Black Light. White is self-explanatory. Rainbow will cycle through every color. New Color will pick a different color to flash every time you tap that button. Custom Color will let you choose a single color to flash. Theme lets you choose from preset color themes to cycle through. As an example, you can choose the Police theme to alternately flash red and blue. Finally, Black Light flashes the color purple.

    颜色预设:在这些设置下方,您将看到六个预设按钮。 白,彩虹,新颜色,自定义颜色,主题和黑光。 白色是不言自明的。 彩虹会在每种颜色之间循环。 每次点击该按钮,“新颜色”都会选择另一种颜色闪烁。 自定义颜色可让您选择一种颜色进行闪烁。 主题使您可以从预设的颜色主题中进行选择。 例如,您可以选择“警察”主题来交替闪烁红色和蓝色。 最后,黑光将颜色闪烁为紫色。

Whew. There are a lot of options here, so don’t be worried if it feels a little overwhelming. If you’re not sure what to do, you can just pick a color theme, tap the Auto-Disco or Strobe button and let the app decide. Most of the time, the defaults will look pretty good, but if you’re not happy, you can easily tweak it.

ew。 这里有很多选择,所以不要担心它有点压倒性。 如果您不确定该怎么做,则可以选择一个颜色主题,点击“自动Disco”或“频闪”按钮,然后由应用决定。 大多数情况下,默认值看起来不错,但是如果您不满意,则可以轻松进行调整。

使用情绪模式创建更宁静的氛围 (Use Moods Mode to Create a More Serene Ambiance)

Disco mode is fun for a lively party, but if you’d rather have a more subtle lighting pattern, you may want to hop over to the Moods tab. Moods are designed to cycle much slower in the background, rather than in time with the music. Just like with Disco Mode, you’ll find a big blue play button along the bottom, though fortunately there’s only one play mode.

迪斯科模式对于热闹的聚会来说很有趣,但是如果您希望使用更细微的照明模式,则可以跳到“心情”选项卡。 情绪被设计为在背景中循环得慢得多,而不是随着音乐而变化。 就像迪斯科模式一样,您会在底部找到一个大的蓝色播放按钮,尽管幸运的是只有一个播放模式。

Most of the settings on this page are similar or identical to the ones on the Disco tab, so we won’t repeat them here. However, you also have a few new options.

此页面上的大多数设置与“ Disco”选项卡上的设置相似或相同,因此在此不再赘述。 但是,您还有一些新的选择。

  • Mood Theme: This is similar to Disco Theme, but you’ll find different presets to choose from. Some of these themes like Sunset and include extra customization options like the ones below, while other presets like Christmas FX and Rain Drops only allow you to tweak the brightness, colorfulness, and speed of the cycle. As with Disco Themes, you can also create your own.

    心情主题:与“迪斯科主题”相似,但是您会发现不同的预设可供选择。 其中一些主题(例如Sunset和包括一些额外的自定义选项,例如以下主题,而其他预设(例如Christmas FX和Rain Drops)仅允许您调整亮度,色彩和循环速度。 与迪斯科主题一样,您也可以创建自己的主题。

  • Same Color: This option determines how often all of the lights in your setup will change to the same color. If you choose Always from the drop down, every light will stay the same color. If you choose Never, each light will fade to a different color during each new cycle. You can also choose Sometimes or Frequent if you want your lights to occasionally match up.

    相同颜色:此选项确定设置中所有灯变为相同颜色的频率。 如果从下拉菜单中选择“始终”,则每盏灯将保持相同的颜色。 如果选择“从不”,则在每个新的周期中,每盏灯将褪色为不同的颜色。 如果您希望灯光偶尔匹配,也可以选择“有时”或“频繁”。

  • Cycle Time: Here, you can set how often the lights change colors. This can range anywhere from every second to every 90 minutes.

    循环时间:在这里,您可以设置灯光多久更改一次颜色。 范围从每秒到每90分钟不等。

  • Transition Time: This determines how quickly colors fade from one to the next. Tap the dropdown menu to choose from Smooth, Medium, Fast, and Snap. Unlike Disco Mode, the Snap transition is not instantaneous, but it is the fastest transition in this mode.

    过渡时间:确定颜色从一种颜色过渡到另一种颜色的速度。 点击下拉菜单,从“平滑”,“中等”,“快速”和“捕捉”中进行选择。 与Disco模式不同,Snap过渡不是瞬时的,但它是此模式下最快的过渡。

In my experience, Moods are a little more useful than Disco Mode, if only because you don’t need to match them to any music. You can fade lights through a color scheme to keep things interesting without blinding anyone or risking your light show dancing to its own slightly-off beat. It all depends on what kind of party you want, though! Play around with the settings to fit the mood you’re going for.

以我的经验,仅因为您不需要将它们与任何音乐进行匹配,Moods才比Disco Mode有用。 您可以通过配色方案淡化灯光,以使事情变得有趣,而不会使任何人盲目或冒着灯光秀跳动其轻微跳动的风险。 不过,这完全取决于您想要哪种聚会! 尝试各种设置以适应您的心情。

It’s also important to keep in mind that Hue Disco uses your phone to control your lights, so you can’t let your phone die during your party. If you’re using your phone’s microphone, it will also need to be in a room with music. If you need to keep your phone on you or can’t guarantee it will stay charged, you might want to repurpose an old device to control your lights. Otherwise, just keep it on the charger and relatively close to a speaker.

同样重要的是要记住,Hue Disco使用手机来控制灯光,因此您不能在聚会中让手机死掉。 如果您使用手机的麦克风,则还需要将其放在有音乐的房间里。 如果您需要将手机保持在手机上或无法保证手机保持充电状态,则可能需要重新配置旧设备来控制灯光。 否则,只需将其放在充电器上并且相对靠近扬声器。




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